 ZHANG Jinbin.Analysis on the Way of Integrating Traditional Costume Elements into Modern Costume Design[J].Journal of Clothing Research,2020,5(04):328-333.





Analysis on the Way of Integrating Traditional Costume Elements into Modern Costume Design
内蒙古师范大学 国际设计艺术学院,内蒙古 呼和浩特 010022
ZHANG Jinbin
International Design Art College, Inner Mongolia Normal University, Hohhot 010022, China
TS 947.2
为探究传统服饰元素在现代服装设计中提炼、转化、运用的方法,选取布里亚特蒙古族传统女装为设计实践对象。通过一个系列的设计实践,归纳、总结出传统服饰元素融入现代服装设计的路径包括造型元素创新、形制解构、意蕴嫁接、风格创新、面料重组。实践得出:传统服饰可以为现代服装设计提供灵感与出处,并可以有效地赋予现代服装情感特征、文化价值,形成中国现代设计特色; 现代服装设计为传统服饰传承与发展注入了活力; 将传统服饰元素融入现代服装设计,应以传统服饰田野调查或者实物分析为基础。
To explore the extracting, converting and applying methods of traditional dress elements into modern clothing design, this paper took buli yate Mongolian traditional costume as the object of design practice, through a series of design practice, the paths of traditional costume elements applied into the modern garment design were summed up: modeling element innovation, shape deconstruction, connotation graft style,meaning transference and fabric restructuring. The practice results showed that: traditional clothing could provide inspiration and reference for modern fashion design, and it could effectively give modern clothing emotional characteristics of cultural value, formation of modern Chinese design characteristics. Modern costume design infused vitality into the inheritance and development of traditional costume. The integration of traditional costume elements into modern costume design should be based on the field investigation or object analysis of traditional costume, and then carried out specific design process through research, in order to help the inheritance and development of traditional costume, and provide ideas and reference for the innovation of modern costume design finally.


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更新日期/Last Update: 2020-08-30