 College of Textiles and Apparel,Quanzhou Normal University,Quanzhou 000,et al.Structural Design of Herpes Zoster Nursing Clothing[J].Journal of Clothing Research,2023,8(04):330-335.





Structural Design of Herpes Zoster Nursing Clothing
徐海燕;  梁玉玲
泉州师范学院 纺织与服装学院,福建 泉州 362000
College of Textiles and Apparel; Quanzhou Normal University; Quanzhou 362000; China
College of Textiles and Apparel,Quanzhou Normal University,Quanzhou 362000,China
TS 941.26
针对带状疱疹患者在穿着常规病号服时存在易磨破水泡、暴露患者隐私、舒适度低和功能性弱等问题,采用文献研究法、对比法,总结常规病号服存在的问题,了解患者的实际诉求。将机织和针织2组面料进行触觉舒适性、透气性、透湿性测试; 根据带状疱疹治疗手段以及患者对病号服的要求,设计制作了带状疱疹护理衣,并进行主观评价。结果表明:针织面料更符合带状疱疹患者的实际穿着需求; 改良后的病号服方便治疗,功能性较强,同时可以保护患者的隐私,满足了患者多样化的着装需求。
For herpes zoster patients, there are problems such as easy to wear blisters, exposing the privacy of patients, low comfort and weak functionality when wearing conventional hospital gown. Through literature research and comparison methods, this study summarized the problems existing in the conventional hospital gown and understood the actual demands of patients. The tactile comfort, air permeability and moisture permeability of woven and knitted fabrics were tested. According to the treatment methods for herpes zoster and the patient’s requirements for hospital gown, a nursing clothing for herpes zoster was made and subjectively evaluated. The result shows that the knitted fabric is more in line with the actual wearing needs of herpes zoster patients. The new clothing is convenient for treatment, has strong functionality, can protect the privacy of patients, and meet the diverse dressing needs of patients.


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更新日期/Last Update: 2023-08-30