[1]罗 云,陈 涛,禄书果,等.民国以前“衣”“医”关系的历史脉动与服饰演变[J].服装学报,2023,8(04):336-341.
 LUO Yun,CHEN Tao,LU Shuguo,et al.History and Evolution of the Relationship Between "Clothing" and "Medical" Before the Republican Period[J].Journal of Clothing Research,2023,8(04):336-341.





History and Evolution of the Relationship Between "Clothing" and "Medical" Before the Republican Period
罗 云;  陈 涛;  禄书果;  马 琳
民国以前医用服饰尚未形成体系,但一些具有防护作用的服饰在先秦时期的古籍中已有记载。运用文献研究的方法,以时间为轴,从医者服装和医用防护服装两个角度分析民国以前医与服饰的双向促进关系,探究医用服饰的演变历程。研究认为:秦汉时期具有庇佑内涵的服饰是防护服装的萌芽; 唐宋时期具有诊疗功能的服饰形成; 明清时期功能性防护服与识别性医者服在“衣”“医”关系中不断发展; 古代防护服装的演变与政治、经济等社会环境密切相关,由早期满足祈愿免灾心理的装饰纹样及饰品发展为具有一定实际防护功能的服饰。
LUO Yun;  CHEN Tao;  LU Shuguo;  MA Lin
School of Clothing,Zhongyuan University of Technology,Zhengzhou 450007,China
TS 941.7
医术; 防护; 民国前; 服饰演变
Before the Republic of China period, no established system was formed for medical uniforms and medical protective clothing, but some protective clothing had already been recorded in ancient books of the pre Qin period. Starting from ancient books and historical materials, this study explored the two-way promoting relationship between medicine and clothing before the Republic of China from the perspectives of medical professional clothing and medical protective clothing, also explores the development of medical clothing and the evolution of clothing with protective functions in the axle of time. Research suggests that since the pre Qin and Han Dynasties, clothing with protective connotations had been the embryonic form of protective clothing, and clothing with diagnostic and therapeutic functions was formed during the Tang and Song dynasties. During the Ming and Qing Dynasties, functional protective clothing and identifying medical clothing continued to develop in the relationship between "clothing" and "medicine". The evolution of ancient protective clothing is closely related to political, economic and other social environments, and they have evolved from early praying for disaster relief patterns to clothing with certain protective functions.


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(责任编辑:卢 杰)

更新日期/Last Update: 2023-08-30