 SUN Mengjie,LU Haifeng.Analysis of Suzhou Women’s Attire Fashion and Individualization in Early Qing Dynasty Based on Woodblock Prints[J].Journal of Clothing Research,2024,9(03):250-258.





Analysis of Suzhou Women’s Attire Fashion and Individualization in Early Qing Dynasty Based on Woodblock Prints
孙梦婕;  鲁海峰
湖州师范学院 艺术学院,浙江 湖州 313000
SUN Mengjie;  LU Haifeng
Art College, Huzhou University, Huzhou 313000, China
J 523.5
The woodblock prints of Suzhou in the early Qing Dynasty serve as valuable historical and cultural records, revealing the diversity and individualization trends of women’s clothing at that time. Employing content analysis, this study combines image analysis and contextual interpretation of female clothing elements in Qing Dynasty Suzhou woodblock prints to explore the fashion characteristics and individualization of women’s clothing. The results indicate that the individualization trend in Suzhou women’s clothing stemmed from economic prosperity and shifts in social norms. Against the backdrop of economic independence and improved social status, Suzhou women exhibited greater autonomy and diversity in their fashion choices. Clothing elements such as cloud shoulders and shuitian garments in the prints not only symbolize fashion but also reflect their expressions of social status, cultural traditions, and personal identity. These findings not only provide important clues for understanding the social culture of the time but also deepen our understanding of the interaction between women’s fashion and social culture.


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(责任编辑:卢 杰)

更新日期/Last Update: 2024-06-30