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Representation of Costume Image and Folk Scenes in Chunshe Figure
吕奕含;  牛 犁*;  张秋莹
江南大学 数字科技与创意设计学院,江苏 无锡 214400
LYU Yihan;  NIU Li*;  ZHANG Qiuying
School of Digital Technology and Innovation Design, Jiangnan University,Wuxi 214400,China
TS 184.3
Taking the costumes of the characters painted in the custom painting Chunshe Figure of the Ming Dynasty as the main research object, this paper employed methods of literature research, image analysis, and art archaeology. It selected the representative dresses worn by scholars, common people, artists and folk characters from the Chunshe Figure to explore the role of costumes in identifying character identities and the expression of folk scenes, so as to have a glimpse of the folk costumes of the Ming Dynasty. The research shows that through the folk scenes presented by Chunshe Figure, clothing not only serves a symbol of the identity of scholars, common people and artists, but also reflects different environmental backgrounds through its wearing state. The costumes thus presents three differences: adherence to etiquette, practicality for leisure, and simulation in performance.


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更新日期/Last Update: 2024-06-30