 YANG Jingying.Current Situation and Future Development Trend of Business Attire[J].Journal of Clothing Research,2022,7(05):440-445.





Current Situation and Future Development Trend of Business Attire
杨晶莹1; 2
1.无锡工艺职业技术学院 时尚艺术与设计学院,江苏 宜兴 214206; 2.香港理工大学 时装与纺织学院,香港 999077
YANG Jingying1; 2
1.Fashion Art and Design School,Wuxi Vocational Institute of Arts and Technology,Yixing 214206,China; 2.School of Fashion and Textiles,The Hong Kong Polytechnic University,Hong Kong 999077,China
TS 941.732.1
Through literature search and analysis, this paper combed the research status of business attire, pointed out the deficiencies of current business attire research, and analyzed the future research trend of business attire from design concept to market application. It is considered that business attire has broad application prospects,and it is necessary to fully integrate theory and practice.On the basis of realizing the diversification of functional research and the intelligentization of production technology, the rapid development of business attire market can be better promoted.


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