 FENG Shengnan,DAI Xiaoqun*.Perceived Value and Risk’s Effect on the Intention to Participate in Clothing Swap[J].Journal of Clothing Research,2024,9(01):87-85.





Perceived Value and Risk’s Effect on the Intention to Participate in Clothing Swap
冯胜楠;  戴晓群*
苏州大学 纺织与服装工程学院,江苏 苏州 215006
FENG Shengnan;  DAI Xiaoqun*
College of Textile and Clothing Engineering, Soochow University, Suzhou 215006, China
F 713.55
服装交换是服装协作消费的一类,其作为一种可持续消费模式受到越来越多学者的关注,但研究成果尚处于起步阶段。为了探索感知价值和感知风险对消费者参与服装交换意图的影响,基于理性行为理论模型,明确服装交换中感知价值和感知风险的内涵,同时设计调查问卷,对收集的问卷数据进行二元逻辑回归和方差分析。结果表明,部分享乐价值对消费者参与服装交换意图有较大的正向影响作用,而心理风险和社会风险对参与服装交换意图有阻碍作用; 消费者感知风险和感知价值在性别和闲置衣物处理方式变量上显著不同。
Clothing swap is a type of collaborative fashion consumption. As a type of sustainability consumption model in fashion industry, it has received more and more attention of scholars. However, the research is still in its initial stage. To encourage clothing swap, the aim of this study was to investigate the influence of perceived value and perceived risk on consumers’ intention to engage in clothing swap events. Based on the theory of reasoned(TRA)model, the connotation of perceived value and perceived risk in clothing swap was clarified and a questionnaire was designed, and binary logistic regression and variance analysis were performed on the collected questionnaire data. The results show that hedonic value has a positive effect on consumers’ intention, while psychological risk and social risk have a negative effect on the intention. There is a significant difference in perceived risk and perceived value between male and female consumers, and among consumers dealing with idle clothes in different ways. The results confirmed the effective method to study collaborative consumption and the findings are expected to provide a scientific basis for the implementation of clothing swap activities.


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(责任编辑:张 雪)

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