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Role Construction of Curator for Clothing Brand
任 力1;  叶晨怡2
1.浙江理工大学 国际教育学院,浙江 杭州 310018; 2.浙江理工大学 服装学院,浙江 杭州 310018
REN Li1;  YE Chenyi2
1.School of International Education,Zhejiang Sci-Tech University,Hangzhou 310018,China; 2. School of Fashion Design and Engineering,Zhejiang Sci-Tech University,Hangzhou 310018,China
F 768.3
Under the current situation of saturated clothing consumption market,in order to meet the differentiated, diversified and complicated fashion consumption demand, this paper adopted the method of literature research, comparative analysis and case study, to sort out and analyze the role construction strategy of curator for clothing brand, based on the self-positioning of clothing brand, with the goal of achieving sustainable commercial implementation. The research shows that there is a linkage law between the four elements of brand concept, editing and planning, integrated display and association promotion in the curatorial process. Besides, the curatorial design of different positioning was proposed combined with the cases, which provided the possibility for clothing brands to broaden the cultural intermediary path.


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更新日期/Last Update: 2024-03-11