 SU Wanting RONG Xuechen,WANG Yongjin*.Shape Evolution of Western Academic Dress and Its Influence on Chinese Academic Dress Design[J].Journal of Clothing Research,2024,9(04):332-338.





Shape Evolution of Western Academic Dress and Its Influence on Chinese Academic Dress Design
苏琬婷;  荣雪晨;  王永进*
SU Wanting RONG Xuechen;  WANG Yongjin*
School of Fashion,Beijing Institute of Fashion Technology,Beijing 100029,China
TS 941.732
Western academic dress originated from the Middle Ages in Europe. In the long development process, it was constantly influenced by secular clothes. With the continuous improvement of academic degree system, the system and system of Western academic dress were finally formed, which had a profound influence on the academic dress in the world including China. By using literature research and comparative research methods, the evolution of Western academic dress forms was divided into four stages: medieval, modern, contemporary, and contemporary. The characteristics of each stage and their impact on Chinese academic dress are summarized, analyzed, and compared. The study reveals that there is a need for standardization, systematization, regionalization, and internationalization of current Chinese academic dress. Suggestions are proposed for establishing the new system of Chinese academic attire with regards to category composition, national characteristics, functional requirements, and university attributes.


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(责任编辑:张 雪)

更新日期/Last Update: 2024-08-30