 QIN Xiaowen,XIAO Aimin*,DING Lina.Intelligent Monitoring Baby Clothing Design Based on 3D Modeling and Machine Learning[J].Journal of Clothing Research,2024,9(03):229-234.





Intelligent Monitoring Baby Clothing Design Based on 3D Modeling and Machine Learning
秦晓文1;  肖爱民*1; 2;  丁丽娜1
1.新疆大学 纺织与服装学院,新疆 乌鲁木齐 830046; 2.新疆大学 新疆智能与绿色纺织重点实验室,新疆 乌鲁木齐 830017
QIN Xiaowen1;  XIAO Aimin*1; 2;  DING Lina1
1. College of Textile and Clothing, Xinjiang University, Urumqi 830046, China; 2.Xinjiang Key Laboratory of Intelligent and Green Textile, Xinjiang University,Urumqi 830017, China
TS 18; TS 941.2
为解决婴儿监护中监控设备无法随身携带和有拍摄死角等问题,设计了一款多功能智能监控婴儿服。通过阅读文献了解现有婴儿监控设备的不足,确定设计方向; 从婴儿三维建模、硬件优选及封装、服装款式结构优化、软件UI设计等维度进行设计与优化,并提出基于机器学习及增量学习的策略来提高婴儿姿势识别的精准度。研究表明,该智能婴儿监测服能够解决目前监控设备存在的问题,实现硬件与服装的有效分离,为婴儿的实时监控提供了更加有效和便捷的解决方案。
To solve the problems that the monitoring equipment hard to be carried around and have dead corners, a multifunctional intelligent monitoring baby clothing is designed. Through reading literature to understand the shortcomings of the existing infant monitoring equipment, the design direction is determined. Then, the design and optimization are carried out from the dimensions of infant three-dimensional modeling, hardware optimization and packaging, clothing style structure optimization, software UI design and so on. The strategy based on machine learning and incremental learning is proposed to improve the accuracy of infant posture recognition. Results show that, the design scheme can solve the problems existing in the current monitoring equipment, realize the effective separation of hardware and clothing, and provide a more effective and convenient solution for the real-time monitoring of infants.


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更新日期/Last Update: 2024-06-30