[1]毕研伟,潘 力*.微机电系统在智能服装领域的研究与展望[J].服装学报,2018,3(04):308-313.
 BI Yanwei,PAN Li*.Research and Prospect on Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems in Intelligent Garment[J].Journal of Clothing Research,2018,3(04):308-313.





Research and Prospect on Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems in Intelligent Garment
毕研伟1; 2;  潘 力*1; 2
1.大连工业大学 服装学院,辽宁 大连 116034; 2.大连工业大学 服装设计与工程国家级实验教学示范中心,辽宁 大连 116034
BI Yanwei1; 2;  PAN Li*1; 2
1.School of Fashion,Dalian Polytechnic University, Dalian 116034,China; 2.National Demonstration Center for Experimental Fashion Design and Engineering Education, Dalian Polytechnic University, Dalian 116034,China
TS 941.73
根据智能服装对电子元件趋向微型化、柔性化的应用要求,通过分析微机电系统的特性,梳理出微机电系统在智能服装领域的发展现状,总结微机电系统在智能服装设计中的应用形式; 并依据电子元件与服装材料间的依附关系试图提出智能服装与人体、环境间的信号转换关系模型,对微机电系统在智能服装领域的发展进行展望。
In view of the application requirements of miniaturized and flexible electronic components in the development of smart clothing, the development status of micro-electromechanical systems in the field of intelligent garment was sorted out through the characteristic analysis of the micro-electromechanical systems and the application form of micro-electromechanical systems in intelligent garment design was summarized. Based on the attachment relationship between electronic components and garment materials, the signal conversion model between intelligent garment as well as human body and environment was proposed. The development of micro-electro-mechanical systems(MEMS)in the field of intelligent garment was prospected.


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更新日期/Last Update: 2018-08-31