 ZHU Dahui,ZANG Jingyi.Research Status and Development Trends of Smart Gowns[J].Journal of Clothing Research,2025,10(01):16-0023.





Research Status and Development Trends of Smart Gowns
朱达辉1;  臧静怡2
1.东华大学 服装与艺术设计学院,上海 200051; 2.同济大学 上海国际设计创新研究院,上海 200092
ZHU Dahui1;  ZANG Jingyi2
1. College of Fashion and Design,Donghua University,Shanghai 200051,China; 2.Shanghai International College of Design and Innovation,Tongji University, Shanghai 200092,China
TS 941.26; TP 18
智能礼服是一类涉及材料科学、光电技术、计算机科学等多领域技术的智能服装,具有广阔的市场前景。为推动智能技术与礼服的融合,满足现代设计需求,从智能礼服的技术与设计现状出发,分析智能礼服在设计中如何体现环境适应、情感反馈和交互特征。研究表明,变色、发光、变形、温控等技术是智能礼服目前设计中的关键技术; 智能礼服在美观度与穿着舒适、技术集成与安全性、可持续性和耐用性、成本与市场接受度等方面仍存在一定的问题。未来的研究重点应朝着更加互动、技术集成、环保及以人为本的方向发展,以扩大智能礼服的应用范围。
Smart gowns is a kind of smart dress involving disciplines such as material science, optoelectronics, and computer science, which has broad market prospects. To further promote the integration of smart technology with these gowns and meet modern design needs, starting from the technology and design status of intelligent dress, this paper analyzes how to reflect the characteristics of environmental adaptation, emotional feedback and interaction in the design of intelligent dress. This research shows that color changing, illumination, transformation, and temperature control are key technologies in current smart gown designs. There are still challenges in aesthetics, comfort, technological integration and safety, sustainability, durability, cost, and market acceptance that need addressing. Future research should focus on enhancing interactivity, integrating technology, promoting environmental sustainability, and adopting a human-centered design approach to expand the applications of smart gowns.


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(责任编辑:张 雪)

更新日期/Last Update: 2025-02-28