 ZHANG Chunming,LI Shuxia.Review and Prospect of Research on Ming Dynasty Folk Women’s Clothing from 1980 to 2023[J].Journal of Clothing Research,2024,9(06):521-529.





Review and Prospect of Research on Ming Dynasty Folk Women’s Clothing from 1980 to 2023
张春明1;  李树霞1; 2
1.青岛大学 纺织服装学院,山东 青岛 266071; 2.中央民族大学 美术学院,北京 100081
ZHANG Chunming1;  LI Shuxia1; 2
1.College of Textile and Clothing, Qingdao University,Qingdao 266071,China; 2. Academy of Fine Arts, Minzu University of China,Beijing 100081,China
TS 941.12
为系统总结明代民间女服的研究现状与进展,并探讨其未来研究趋势,采用文献研究,从通史性与专题性两个角度,系统梳理1980—2023年间有关明代民间女服的研究资料,并结合VOSviewer信息处理软件对相关研究成果进行可视化分析、成果整合与热点挖掘。研究表明:当前明代民间女服的研究资料主要包括出土实物、文字古籍、图像绘画和传世织物; 研究热点集中在形制结构、纹样色彩、面料工艺及服饰文化4方面; 整体研究成果呈现出由整体到细节、由宏观到微观逐步深入的特点。然而,现有研究成果体系并不完善,缺乏系统性研究; 在多元一体视角下,关于地域间差异性及互动性的对比研究仍显薄弱; 在数智化背景下,明代民间女服的传承与保护路径尚待深入探索。
In order to systematically summarize the current status and progress of research on Ming Dynasty folk women’s clothing and to explore future research trends, this article adopts a literature research method. From the perspectives of general history and topicality, it systematically organizes research materials on Ming folk women’s clothing from 1980 to 2023. Combining the VOSviewer information processing software with visual analysis, integration and hotspot excavation of the relevant research results, the study identifies key insights. It is found that the current research materials of Ming folk women’s clothing mainly include excavated objects, ancient books, images, paintings and heirloom fabrics. The research hotspots focus on four aspects: form and structure, patterns and colors, fabric technology and clothing culture. The research results show the characteristics of going from the whole to the details, and from the macroscopic to the microcosmic in-depth gradually. However, there are still gaps in the systematic excavation and utilization of research materials, and the research system has yet to be fully established. Comparative research on the differences and interactions among regions under the perspective of diversity and integration is still weak. Furthermore, the exploration of inheritance and protection paths for Ming women’s folk clothing in the context of digitalization requires deeper investigation.


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(责任编辑:张 雪)


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更新日期/Last Update: 1900-01-01