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Evolution and Cultural Significance of the Tiger Pattern in the Patches of Military Officials in the Qing Dynasty
魏 欣;  薛菲莉
武汉纺织大学 艺术与设计学院,湖北 武汉 430073
WEI Xin;  XUE Feili
College of Art and Design,Wuhan Textile University,Wuhan 430073, China
J 523.5; TS 941.3
The tiger pattern on the military officials’ badges in the Qing Dynasty exhibited different artistic forms and cultural connotations across different periods. Based on image research and document analysis, this study traces and analyzes the concept and application scope of tiger pattern. The paper analyzes the decorative features of these badges from the perspectives of tiger pattern design and subject matter combination. It also explores the cultural connotations of tiger pattern badges in the context of the Qing Dynasty’s cultural background. The study concludes that, as the Qing Dynasty progressed, the tiger pattern on military officials’ badges evolved into a form of diminishing sharpness in design, and a solidification of subject matter forms. This reflects the artistic characteristics of cultural diversity and heritage, the emperor’s expectations of loyalty, bravery, and courage from military officials, and the people’s spiritual pursuit for national stability and prosperity.


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(责任编辑:卢 杰)


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更新日期/Last Update: 1900-01-01