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Textile Cultural Exchange Between China and Portugal on the Maritime Silk Road
宋 炀;  杨晓瑜;  刘倚辰
北京服装学院 美术学院, 北京 100028
SONG Yang;  YANG Xiaoyu;  LIU Yichen
School of Fine Arts, Beijing Institute of Fashion Technology, Beijing 100028, China
G 125
In the 16th century, Portugal took the lead in opening up a new direct route to the East, creating the direct trade channel between Europe and China. Since then, cross-cultural exchanges between the East and the West have become increasingly frequent. Based on this background, this paper discussed the two issues of "Chinese textiles specially woven for the Portuguese market" and "Portuguese’ Chinese style’ textiles", and used the research methods of cross-cultural art history, material culture history and image science to explore the process and reason of the rise of "Chinese style" in Portugal. The significance and influence of Sino-Portuguese textile cultural exchanges on the Maritime Silk Road were also analyzed. Textiles in Sino-Portuguese trade have been influenced by both cultures in terms of visual aesthetics, design principles, material technology and so on. As early as the first contact between Europe and China, textiles served as an important carrier, enabling the "Chinese style" to quietly prevail in Portugal in the 16th century through the frequent business exchanges, technology transfer and personnel interaction between the two sides.


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(责任编辑:卢 杰)

更新日期/Last Update: 2024-10-30