[1]唐 倩,邢 乐*.《汉宫春晓图》仕女服饰特征考析及数字化复原[J].服装学报,2024,9(05):396-403.
 TANG Qian,XING Le*.Analysis and Digital Restoration of the Imitation Characteristics of the Costume of Ladies in the Han Palace Spring Dawn Painting[J].Journal of Clothing Research,2024,9(05):396-403.





Analysis and Digital Restoration of the Imitation Characteristics of the Costume of Ladies in the Han Palace Spring Dawn Painting
唐 倩1; 2;  邢 乐*1; 2
1.江南大学 数字科技与创意设计学院,江苏 无锡 240005; 2.江南大学 江苏省汉族服饰类非物质文化遗产研究基地,江苏 无锡 214122
TANG Qian1; 2;  XING Le*1; 2
1. School of Digital Technology and Innovation Design, Jiangnan University, Wuxi 240005,China; 2. Research Base for Intangible Cultural Heritage of Han Clothing in Jiangsu Province, Jiangnan University, Wuxi 214122,China
TS 941.26
以明代画家仇英创作的写实重彩仕女画《汉宫春晓图》为研究对象,借助图像比例分析法,比对文献及实物资料,确定人物与服饰比例关系,还原服饰形制、结构尺寸、纹样等; 利用服装CAD和绘画软件完成二维结构样板、图案纹样、着装场景等绘制; 基于服装三维虚拟展示技术实现仕女服饰形制及面料材质的三维数字化复原。研究表明,相较于实物研究,基于图像比例分析法的古代绘画服饰数字化复原更容易获得服装与人体的比例关系及服装的结构尺寸; 通过数字化复原展示古代绘画中具有东方特色的人物形象及古代服装,对古代绘画艺术与服饰历史文化传承具有重要意义。
Taking the realistic and richly colored painting of court ladies Han Palace Spring Dawn Painting, created by QIU Ying, a painter of the Ming Dynasty, as the research object, with the aid of the image proportion analysis method, by comparing literature and physical materials, the proportion relationship between the figures and their clothing, as well as the clothing forms, structural dimensions, patterns, and other information were restored. Using clothing CAD and painting software, the two-dimensional structural patterns, patterns, dress scenes, etc. were drawn. Based on the three-dimensional virtual display technology of clothing, the three-dimensional digital restoration of the clothing forms and fabric materials of the court ladies was achieved. The research indicates that, compared with physical research, the digital restoration of clothing in ancient paintings based on the image proportion analysis method is more conducive to obtaining the proportion relationship between clothing and the human body and the structural dimensions of costume. Through the digital restoration show of the figures with oriental characteristics and ancient clothing in ancient paintings, it is of great significance for the ancient painting art and the inheritance of the historical and cultural heritage of clothing.


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(责任编辑:张 雪)

更新日期/Last Update: 2024-10-30