[1]任若安,杨方超,孙 捷*.设计学视角下的数字时尚发展与逻辑[J].服装学报,2024,9(02):127-136.
 REN Ruoan,YANG Fangchao,SUN Jie*.Development and Logic of Digital Fashion from a Design Perspective[J].Journal of Clothing Research,2024,9(02):127-136.





Development and Logic of Digital Fashion from a Design Perspective
任若安1;  杨方超2;  孙 捷*1
1.同济大学 设计创意学院,上海 200092; 2.同济大学 人文学院,上海 200092
REN Ruo’an1;  YANG Fangchao2;  SUN Jie*1
1.College of Design and Innovation, Tongji University, Shanghai 200092,China; 2.School of Humanities, Tongji University, Shanghai 200092,China
G 520.1
针对设计学视角下传统时尚向数字时尚转型升级路径模糊的关键性问题,采用理论研究、案例分析等方法,对数字时尚的发展现状、表现形式及实践应用等多个方面进行深入的剖析与探讨,详细阐述了设计学视角下数字时尚发展与逻辑研究的必要性; 通过分析调研案例,运用START模型框架,归纳总结出社会与空间、科技深度融合、人机共创新范式、虚拟与现实、交易与流通5个维度的具体实践方式。研究表明,设计学学科的不断交叉融合发展不仅是驱动数字时尚的创新力量,也是桥接技术与创意、虚拟与现实、商业与艺术的关键纽带。研究结果为设计学视角下的数字时尚研究提供了一定的理论与方法参考,有助于推进设计驱动式创新时尚产业的积极发展。
Aiming at the key issue of the fuzzy path of transformation and upgrading from traditional to digital fashion under the perspective of design, this paper adopted theoretical research, case analysis and other methods to make in-depth analyses and discussions on the current situation of the development of digital fashion, its manifestations and practical applications, and elaborated on the necessity of the development of digital fashion and the logical research under the perspective of design. By analyzing the research cases and applying the START model framework, the study summarized the five dimensions of society and space, the deep integration of science and technology, the paradigm of human-machine co-creation, the virtual and the real, and the transaction and circulation. The study shows that the development of design disciplines is not only the core force to promote the innovation and practice of digital fashion, but also the key link between technology and creativity, virtual and reality, and business and art. The research results provide certain theoretical references for subsequent scholars’ research on digital fashion from the perspective of design.


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(责任编辑:卢 杰)

更新日期/Last Update: 2024-04-30