 DONG Mengjie,GUO Yafei,WANG Meihui,et al.Research Progress of Bulletproof and Stab-Resistant High-Performance Fibers and Composite Materials[J].Journal of Clothing Research,2024,9(02):95-101.





Research Progress of Bulletproof and Stab-Resistant High-Performance Fibers and Composite Materials
董梦杰;  郭亚飞;  王美慧;  郝新敏*
军事科学院 系统工程研究院,北京 100010
DONG Mengjie;  GUO Yafei;  WANG Meihui;  HAO Xinmin*
Academy of System Engineering,Academy of Military Science,Beijing 100010,China
TS 102.52
从纤维种类、织物结构等角度总结了防弹防刺纤维复合材料的研究概况,重点分析芳纶纤维、超高分子量聚乙烯纤维在防弹防刺复合材料领域的应用及其防弹防刺机理; 简要介绍了聚对苯撑苯并双唑纤维、聚(2,5-二羟基-1,4-苯撑吡啶并二咪唑)纤维和“蛛丝”纤维等新型高性能纤维的特点及应用情况。总结了国内外防弹防刺服测试标准,并探讨防弹防刺纤维复合材料的发展趋势,以期为更高性能防弹防刺复合材料的设计与制备提供参考。
In this paper, the research status of bulletproof and stab-resistant fiber composites was summarized from the perspectives of fiber types and fabric structures. The application and mechanism of aramid fibers and ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene fibers in the field of bulletproof and stab-resistant composites were analyzed in detail. The characteristics and applications of new high-performance fibers, such as poly(p-phenylene benzobisoxazole)fibers, poly(2,5-dihydroxy-1,4-phenylenepyridinediimidazole)fibers and "spider silk" fibers, were introduced briefly. It also summarized the test standards of bulletproof and stab-resistant clothing at home and abroad,then it discussed the development trend of bulletproof and stab-resistant fiber composites,in order to provide a reference for the design and fabrication of higher performance bulletproof and stab-resistant composite materials.


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更新日期/Last Update: 2024-04-30