 ZHANG Qixu,WANG Hongfu*.Research on the Artistic Characteristics and Needlework Skills of Junlian Miao Embroidery[J].Journal of Clothing Research,2023,8(06):539-545.





Research on the Artistic Characteristics and Needlework Skills of Junlian Miao Embroidery
张启旭;  王宏付*
江南大学 设计学院,江苏 无锡 214122
ZHANG Qixu;  WANG Hongfu*
School of Design,Jiangnan University, Wuxi 214122, China
TS 935.73
Based on the existing Miao embroidery costumes in the Miao costumes studio, where YANG Dairong is the inheritor of Junlian Miao embroidery, a provincial intangible cultural heritage project in Sichuan Province, and based on physical analysis, this paper studies the shape, color, composition characteristics, and needling techniques of Junlian Miao embroidery decoration. The research shows that the Junlian Miao embroidery patterns are closely linked to the common myths and legends of the Miao nationality, as well as the unique natural worship of the Junlian branch. Through the basic naive acupuncture technique, the embroidery showcases pattern characteristics with changeable shapes, bright and full colors, orderly and stylized compositions, achieving artistic traits of "simplicity" and "complexity" in Miao costumes. It is necessary to study the Miao embroidery characteristics within the Junlian county-style Miao branch to protect the diversity of Miao costumes and the multi-cultural connotation of Miao costumes.


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(责任编辑:张 雪)


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更新日期/Last Update: 2023-10-31