[1]陈晓鹏,严晓燕,孙 洋,等.基于SciMAT的防护服装研究动态演进分析[J].服装学报,2023,8(06):521-528.
 CHEN Xiaopeng,YAN Xiaoyan,SUN Yang,et al.Analysis on the Dynamics Evolution of Protective Clothing Research Based on SciMAT[J].Journal of Clothing Research,2023,8(06):521-528.





Analysis on the Dynamics Evolution of Protective Clothing Research Based on SciMAT
陈晓鹏;  严晓燕;  孙 洋;  王伶俐;  王 洁
中原工学院 服装学院,河南 郑州 451191
CHEN Xiaopeng;  YAN Xiaoyan;  SUN Yang;  WANG Lingli;  WANG Jie
College of Fashion Design, Zhongyuan University of Technology, Zhengzhou 451191, China
TS 941.13
为了对防护服装研究现状有系统认识,运用SciMAT软件对Web of Science数据库中有关防护服装的核心文献进行关键词共现分析; 利用生成的关键词战略图、演化图揭示防护服装的发展现状及领域成熟度。研究发现:随着时间的推移,防护服装研究关键词不断增多,演化关系逐渐复杂,涉及的领域越来越广泛,形成了热防护、职业与医用、日常行为3条主要演化路径; 随着不同时期社会和自然环境的变迁,防护服装研究不断涌现出新的内容; 个人防护、纺织技术、功能设计、人类行为等主题是目前防护服装研究领域的热点。
In order to provide a systematic cognition of the whole picture of protective clothing research, this paper analyzeD the keywords co-occurrence in the core literature of Web of Science by SciMAT. The generated theme evolution map and strategy map were used to reveal the development status of protective clothing and the maturity of the field. The results show that the research themes on protective clothing continue to grow, and the evolution of the keywords have become more complex and the research scope has become broader. Three main evolutionary pathways are formed: thermal protection, occupational and medical application, and daily behavior. New topics on protective clothing continue to emerge in different periods of social and natural environments. Personal protection, textile technology, functional design, and human behavior are the current hot topics in protective clothing research.


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