[1]沈 雷,孙 湉.智能可穿戴领域研究现状和发展趋势[J].服装学报,2023,8(02):125-133.
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Intelligent Wearable Research Status and Its Development Trend
沈 雷;  孙 湉
江南大学 设计学院,江苏 无锡 214122
SHEN Lei;  SUN Tian
School of Design,Jiangnan University,Wuxi 214122,China
TS 941.73; TP 212
为了系统地梳理与整合智能可穿戴领域学术研究现状、产业变革及其设计研发趋势,对智能可穿戴领域的专利及文献进行检索; 并采用VOSviewer及Citespace等软件开展聚类分析,从科研聚焦及创新、产业发展现状、设计与趋势3个方面对现阶段智能可穿戴服装发展加以归纳总结; 提出了未来智能可穿戴服装将着重在安全、温控、运动、保健、医用、变幻、特种等方向深化发展,并具体分析各方向设计前沿案例。该研究将为未来智能服装发展及设计提供帮助。
Aiming at systematically combing and integration of the academic research status, industrial transformation, and design and development trends in the field of intelligent wearable technology, patents and literature in the wearable techno-logy field were searched. Cluster analysis was conducted using software such as VOSviewer and Citespace to summarize the current development of intelligent wearable clothing from three aspects namely research focus and innovation, industry development status, design and trends. It was proposed that future intelligent wearable clothing will focus on deepening its development in areas such as safety, temperature control, sports, healthcare, medical, transformation, and specialty. And specific analysis of cutting-edge design cases had been analyzed in various fields. This study will provide assistance for the development and design of intelligent clothing in the future.


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更新日期/Last Update: 2023-05-08