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T-Shirt Design for Men with Fat Body Based on the Visual Illusion Theory
于 洋;  范作泽;  初晓玲*
青岛大学 纺织服装学院,山东 青岛 266071
YU Yang;  FAN Zuoze;  CHU Xiaoling*
College of Textiles and Clothing, Qingdao University, Qingdao 266071, China
TS 941.7
In order to reduce the sensory impact caused by obesity, this paper aimed to pursue the coordinated body curve of men visually. Based on the principle of visual illusion and specific design cases,this paper analyzed the clothing colors and patterns,using the principle of optical illusion, and tried to construct optical illusion pattern for men’s short-sleeved T-shirt. The results showed that cool colors were suit to the T-shirt design of fat men. The dense lines in the line misalignment, and the indicative patterns in the design of men’s T-shirts could reduce the impact of the obese parts on the visual effect, which modified the obese body of men.


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更新日期/Last Update: 2020-08-30