[1]夏 添,王鸿博*,崔荣荣.先秦至汉代荆楚服饰文化研究现状与趋势[J].服装学报,2019,4(03):255-262.
 XIA Tian,WANG Hongbo*,CUI Rongrong.Research Status and Trend of the Culture of Ancient Jingchu Costume from Pre-Qin to the Han Dynasty[J].Journal of Clothing Research,2019,4(03):255-262.





Research Status and Trend of the Culture of Ancient Jingchu Costume from Pre-Qin to the Han Dynasty
夏 添1; 2;  王鸿博*2;  崔荣荣2
1.湖南工程学院 纺织服装学院,湖南 湘潭 411104; 2.江南大学 纺织服装学院,江苏 无锡 214122
XIA Tian1; 2;  WANG Hongbo*2;  CUI Rongrong2
1. College of Textile and Fashion, Hunan Institute of Engineering, Xiangtan 411104, China; 2. School of Textile and Clothing, Jiangnan University, Wuxi 214122, China
TS 941.12
通过文献调查法,梳理了国内外对于先秦至汉代荆楚服饰的研究成果,归纳相关理论; 以荆楚地域服饰文化为研究载体,对先秦至汉代楚地服饰文化研究的现状、趋势、不足与研究空间进行探讨。认为从地域文化特点的多重视角考证先秦至汉代荆楚地区的服饰,如织物、服装、配饰,有利于分析古代荆楚服饰流变及其与荆楚人文地理、礼仪制度、社会文化、风俗习惯之间的影响关系。
This paper summarized the related domestic and abroad studies of the Jingchu area from Pre-Qin to the Han Dynasty, as well as the related theory, via the method of literature survey. Then, taking the regional costume culture of ancient Jingchu area as the research object, the study discussed the development status, research trend and the deficiency and research space of the Chu costume culture from the Pre-Qin period to the Han Dynasty. It was concluded that the research, based on the tangible costume material(fabrics, costumes, accessories)of the Jingchu area from the Pre-Qin period to the Han Dynasty from the multiple perspectives of regional cultural characteristics, was beneficial to the analysis of the evolution of ancient costume culture of the Jingchu area. Moreover, it was also conducive to the analysis of the evolution of ancient Jingchu costume and the influences of human geography, etiquette system, social culture, customs and habits of the Jingchu area.


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(责任编辑:卢 杰)


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更新日期/Last Update: 2018-06-28