 LIANG Jianfang ZHANG Zejun,CHEN Xiangwen,CAO Xuerong,et al.Intergenerational Differences of Sustainable Clothing Consumption Behavior and Its Influencing Factors Among Chinese Residents[J].Journal of Clothing Research,2024,9(04):358-368.





Intergenerational Differences of Sustainable Clothing Consumption Behavior and Its Influencing Factors Among Chinese Residents
梁建芳;  张泽军;  陈湘雯;  曹雪榕;  董钟杰; 凌静
西安工程大学 服装与艺术设计学院,陕西 西安 710048
LIANG Jianfang ZHANG Zejun;  CHEN Xiangwen;  CAO Xuerong;  DONG Zhongjie; LING Jing
Apparel and Art Design College,Xi’an Polytechnic University,Xi’an 710048,China
TS 941.17
In order to solve the difficulties brought by the intergenerational differences in the transition of sustainable consumption in China, this study divided Chinese residents into four generations based on the perspective of sustainable consumption, and constructed a theoretical model of the intergenerational differences of sustainable clothing consumption behavior. Empirical research was conducted using a multi-stage sampling method. The results indicate significant diffe-rences among the four generational groups in clothing consumption behavior, as well as in influencing factors such as sustainable consumption awareness, environmental responsibility, lifestyle, and subjective norms. Additionally, there are significant differences in the direct effects of the above influencing factors on sustainable clothing consumption behavior. Based on the findings, it is proposed that education strategies and practical measures should be formulated according to different generational characteristics, role positioning and living environment in the process of promoting sustainable clothing consumption.


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更新日期/Last Update: 2024-08-30