[1]王雪婷,谢 朝*.清代杨柳青年画仕女服饰溯源与构建规律分析[J].服装学报,2024,9(04):324-331.
 WANG Xueting,XIE Zhao*.Analysis of the Sources and Construction Patterns of Ladies’ Costume in Yangliuqing’s New Year Pictures from Qing Dynasty[J].Journal of Clothing Research,2024,9(04):324-331.





Analysis of the Sources and Construction Patterns of Ladies’ Costume in Yangliuqing’s New Year Pictures from Qing Dynasty
王雪婷;  谢 朝*
南开大学 文学院,天津 300071
WANG Xueting;  XIE Zhao*
School of Literature, Nankai University,Tianjin 300071,China
TS 941.12; J 218.3
To explore the sources and construction patterns of the female costumes, this paper took the costumes in Yangliuqing’s New Year pictures of ladies from the Qing Dynasty as the research object. It selects 69 sampled for research, tracing the origins and analyzing the shapes and forms of the costumes. The study categorized and calculated the ways of costume matching through the study of image data. It analyzed the characteristics of costume construction and style changes of Yangliuqing’s New Year pictures, using sleeve width and piping width as examples. The research holds that the costumes of Yangliuqing’s New Year pictures of ladies in Qing Dynasty mix and match female ordinary clothes, ancient clothes and traditional opera clothes. Based on the intentional construction logic, the artists combine these clothing elements that transcend the times and have practical significance into an "ideal archetype of beautiful women" to convey a perfect visual feeling and echo the universal collective aesthetic consensus


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更新日期/Last Update: 2024-08-30