[1]牛 犁,崔 艺.京杭大运河流域明代服饰研究综述[J].服装学报,2021,6(03):228-232.
 NIU Li,CUI Yi.Research Review of Ming Dynasty Costume in the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal Valley[J].Journal of Clothing Research,2021,6(03):228-232.





Research Review of Ming Dynasty Costume in the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal Valley
牛 犁;  崔 艺
江南大学 设计学院,江苏 无锡 214122
School of Design,Jiangnan University,Wuxi 214122,China
TS 941.12
通过文献调查法,介绍了目前国内关于京杭大运河流域明代服饰纹样的相关研究成果,对大运河流域明代服饰艺术与文化进行归纳,包括服饰纹样、墓葬现状及社会风尚3方面; 以大运河流域明代墓葬出土服饰为研究载体,对运河文化下明代服饰及纹样研究的现状进行整理,探讨地域审美风尚。研究认为从大运河水域文化特点切入考证明代墓葬服饰艺术,有利于分析明代服饰地域个性、流变发展,及其与大运河流域人文地理、漕运交通、社会文化、经济发展的影响关系。
Through the method of literature investigation, this paper introduces the domestic research results related to the clothing patterns unearthed from tombs of the Ming Dynasty in the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal Valley, and summarizes the relevant theories of clothing culture in the Grand Canal Valley of the Ming Dynasty, including the clothing patterns, the burial status and the social fashion. The current situation of the research on the costumes and patterns of Ming Dynasty under the canal culture is sorted out, and regional aesthetic fashion is discussed. It is pointed out that it is helpful to analyze the regional characteristics, changes and development of the clothing patterns in the Ming Dynasty and their influence on the human geography, grain transportation, social culture and economic development of the grand canal.


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更新日期/Last Update: 2021-07-02