 AI Yunrui,KE Baozhu*.Study on the Air Permeability of Knitted Underwear Fabric in Wet State[J].Journal of Clothing Research,2021,6(02):108-111.





Study on the Air Permeability of Knitted Underwear Fabric in Wet State
艾运瑞;  柯宝珠*
上海工程技术大学 纺织服装学院,上海 201620
AI Yunrui;  KE Baozhu*
School of Textiles and Fashion,Shanghai University of Engineering Science, Shanghai 201620,China
TS 941.41
为探究湿状态对针织内衣面料透气性的影响,选取6种不同成分的面料,在不同含水率下测量其透气性。结果表明:面密度对织物透气性有明显的影响,面密度越大,透气性越差; 面料的未充满系数对织物透气性也有明显的影响,未充满系数越大,透气性越好。通过SPSS软件进行相关性分析,得出未充满系数对透气性的影响最大; 不同含水率对面料透气性有着显著的影响,每种面料在不同含水率状态下透气性的变化机制并不一致。微汗状态下可以使用3#面料,而大量排汗的活动状态下可以使用4#面料。该研究成果为服装市场功能性面料的细分提供一定参考。
In order to explore the influence of wet state on the air permeability of knitted underwear fabrics, six fabrics with different compositions were selected by the investigation and analysis of the application status of underwear fabrics, and their air permeability was measured under different moisture contents. The results show that surface density and linear modulus of stitch affecte fabric permeability obviously. The higher of the surface density, the worse of the fabric permea-bility. The higher of the linear modulus of stich, the better of permeability. The correlation analysis was carried out by the SPSS software. The results have shown that the linear modulus of stitch have the greatest impact on the air permeability. Different moisture contents have significant impacts on the breathability of fabrics, and the change mechanism of breatha-bility of each fabric under different moisture content states is not consistent. 3# fabric can be used in the state of micro-sweat, and in the state of active sweating 4# fabric can be used. This research may provide certain references for the application of fabrics in the functional clothing market segmentation.


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更新日期/Last Update: 2020-04-30