 YIN Xiaofang,JIANG Xiaowen*.Evaluation of Blouse Collar Type Based on Kansei Engineering[J].Journal of Clothing Research,2020,5(02):111-118.





Evaluation of Blouse Collar Type Based on Kansei Engineering
尹晓芳;  蒋晓文*
西安工程大学 服装与艺术设计学院,陕西 西安 710048
YIN Xiaofang;  JIANG Xiaowen*
School of Fashion and Art Design,Xi’an Polytechnic University,Xi’an 710048,China
TS 941.717
为探讨不同领型女式衬衫对消费者在感性认知方面的影响,运用CorelDRAW软件,绘制23款具有代表性领型的衬衫。以18~35岁女性为调查对象,运用感性工学的方法,对数据进行均值分析、因子分析和聚类分析。研究结果表明:23款衬衫的感性词汇对可归为“风格因子”“场合因子”2个主因子; 不同的领型有时会表现出相同的感受; 领型的转变主要体现在线条、设计元素、肌肤的袒露面积上,领型设计对衬衫风格影响很大。
In order to explore the influence of different collar women’s shirts on consumers’ perceptual cognition, 23 representative collar blouses were drawn by CorelDRAW software, and 18~35 years old women were investigated by using the method of kansei engineering. The datas were analyzed by means analysis, factor analysis and cluster analysis. The results showed that the perceptual lexical pairs of 23 shirts could be classified into two main factors: style factor and occasion factor. Different collar types showed the same feelings sometimes. Collar changes were mainly reflected in line, design elements, skin exposed area, its design had great impact on the style of the shirt.


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