[1]王 楠,张竞琼*.民国时期国货运动下国产绒线营销策略分析[J].服装学报,2019,4(04):355-361.
 WANG Nan,ZHANG Jingqiong*.Analysis of Domestic Woolen Marketing Strategy Under National Goods Movement During the Republic of China[J].Journal of Clothing Research,2019,4(04):355-361.





Analysis of Domestic Woolen Marketing Strategy Under National Goods Movement During the Republic of China
王 楠;  张竞琼*
江南大学 纺织服装学院,江苏 无锡 214122
WANG Nan;  ZHANG Jingqiong*
School of Textile and Clothing,Jiangnan University,Wuxi 214122,China
TS 941.1
以上海图书馆馆藏中的近代文献资料为依据,对民国时期国货运动背景下,中国绒线市场中国产绒线的营销策略进行研究。采用文献查阅法与比较法,对国产绒线的广告宣传、渠道策略与促销策略等竞销手段进行分析。得出结论:国货运动时期绒线业的兴盛在一定程度上挽救了国家与民族利益,为民族工商业的发展作出了贡献; 在与进口绒线竞销的过程中,中国绒线企业不断提升自身竞争力与完善经营策略,维护了企业的生存并取得了显著的发展。
Based on the documents collected in the modern library of Shanghai and took the national goods movement in the period of the Republic of China as the research background,the paper makes a study on the marketing strategy of Chinese wool in the domestic wool market. The paper analyzes the competitive marketing strategies of domestic wool,such as advertising,channel strategy and promotion strategy,by using the method of literature review and comparison,The following conclusions were drew: During national goods movement,the prosperity of the wool industry saved the national interests to a certain extent and contributed to the development of the national industry and commerce. In the process of competing with imported wool,domestic wool enterprises constantly improved their own competitive abilities and management strategies,and thus maintained the survival of enterprises and achieved remarkable development.


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(责任编辑:张 雪,邢宝妹)

更新日期/Last Update: 2019-09-03