 YAN Yishu,ZHOU Jinyun,JIANG Shouxiang.Garment Design Method Based on Digital Intelligent Three-Dimensional Stretchable Knit Fabrics[J].Journal of Clothing Research,2024,9(06):492-499.





Garment Design Method Based on Digital Intelligent Three-Dimensional Stretchable Knit Fabrics
严宜舒1;  周金云2;  姜绶祥2
1. 南京艺术学院 设计学院,江苏 南京 210013; 2. 香港理工大学 时装及纺织学院,中国 香港 999077
YAN Yishu1;  ZHOU Jinyun2;  JIANG Shouxiang2
1. School of Design, Nanjing University of the Arts, Nanjing 210013, China; 2. School of Fashion and Textile, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong 999077, China
TS 941.2
This study explored a new approach to garment form design based on digital intelligent knitted fabrics, in response to the difficulty of extending general garment structure design methods to new knitted fabrics. The experiment was based on the "three-dimensional stretchable knit fabrics", which was developed around the curling effect of weft-knitted fabrics. Taking the human body as a participant in garment form construction, two basic construction methods, tubular-type and rectangular type, and four sets of body support points were summarised. Eight foundational forms were identified, and 144 potential garment forms were experimentally verified with three sets of three-dimensional stretchable knit fabric samples and two fabric application directions. Among them, 128 shapes were effectively implemented. The study shows that employing three-dimensional stretchable knitted fabrics along the fabric course direction(perpendicular to the body’s central axis), applying rectangular-type styles, and utilizing purl and link stitch structures significantly enhance the ability to achieve diverse design effects in garment forms.


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(责任编辑:卢 杰)

更新日期/Last Update: 2024-12-30