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Process Exploration and Optimization of Ultra-High Molecular Weight
钟 林1;  郑敏博2;  郭艳文1;  黄晓梅1;  曹海建*1
1. 南通大学 纺织服装学院,江苏 南通 226019; 2. 际华三五四二纺织有限公司,湖北 襄阳 441100
ZHONG Lin1;  ZHENG Minbo2;  GUO Yanwen1;  HUANG Xiaomei1;  CAO Haijian*1
1. School of Textile and Clothing,Nantong University,Nantong 226019,China; 2. Jihua 3542 Textile Co., Ltd., Xiangyang 441100,China
TS 102.52.4
采用单因素实验探讨牵伸倍数、卷绕率、外包捻度对包覆纱断裂强力的影响,并利用SPSS软件进行显著性分析,选取有显著差异的水平; 以包覆纱的断裂强力为指标,进行有交互作用的正交实验,确定超高分子量聚乙烯/不锈钢丝/锦纶包覆纱的最优工艺。结果表明,牵伸倍数、卷绕率以及外包捻度之间的交互作用对超高分子量聚乙烯/不锈钢丝/锦纶包覆纱的工艺有显著影响。实验得出超高分子量聚乙烯/不锈钢丝/锦纶包覆纱最优包覆工艺为:牵伸倍数1.00,卷绕率1.1,外包捻度200 捻/m。
The influence of draft multiple, winding rate and outsourcing twist on the breaking force of coated yarn was explored using one-factor experiment. On the basis of single factor, SPSS software was used to conduct significance analysis, and the levels with significant differences were selected. It conducted orthogonal experiments with interactive effects based on the breaking force of the coated yarn to determine the optimal process for ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene/stainless steel wire/nylon coated yarn.The results show that the interaction between draft multiple, winding rate and outsourcing twist has a significant impact on the process of the ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene/stainless steel wire/nylon coated yarn. The optimal coating process of ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene/stainless steel wire/nylon coated yarn was determined as follows: draft multiple 1.00, winding rate 1.1, outsourcing twist 200 twist/m.


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更新日期/Last Update: 2024-12-30