[1]金佳勤,于 淼*,王 侠,等.基于柔性传感技术的压力监测运动裤设计[J].服装学报,2022,7(03):202-208.
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Design of Pressure Monitoring Sports Pants Based on Flexible Sensing Technology
金佳勤;  于 淼*;  王 侠;  张春明;  孙亚宁
青岛大学 纺织服装学院,山东 青岛 266071
JIN Jiaqin;  YU Miao*;  WANG Xia;  ZHANG Chunming;  SUN Yaning
College of Textiles and Clothing,Qingdao University,Qingdao 266071,China
TS 941.734; TP 212
为了满足人体运动需求,基于面料性能测试结果以及服装人体工效学分析,对运动裤款式结构进行优化设计; 并于紧身运动裤中置入一款自行设计的柔性压力传感器,在提高穿着舒适度和缓解疲劳的同时,实现膝关节受力情况的实时监测,及时发现并调整不正确的运动姿势,更好地保护膝关节。该运动裤可结合步态分析系统,对运动姿势进行分析,从而降低运动损伤风险,提高运动成绩,实现人体生理健康参数的实时监测与传输。
In order to meet the needs of human exercise, the style structure of sports pants was optimized based on the fabric performance test results and the ergonomic analysis of clothing, and a self-designed flexible pressure sensor was placed in the tights to improve wearing comfort and relieve fatigue. Meanwhile, real-time monitoring of the knee joint force was realized, and incorrect movement postures could be detected and adjusted in time to better protect the knee joint. The sports pants can be combined with a gait analysis system to analyze sports postures, thereby reducing the risk of sports injuries, improving sports performance, and realizing human physiological health parameters and real-time monitoring and transmission.


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更新日期/Last Update: 2022-06-30