[1]佟 玫,张雅丽*,唐世君.边防部队电加热服的研制与功能评价[J].服装学报,2021,6(05):457-462.
 TONG Mei,ZHANG Yali*,TANG Shijun.Development and Function Evaluation of Electric Heating Suit for Frontier Troops[J].Journal of Clothing Research,2021,6(05):457-462.





Development and Function Evaluation of Electric Heating Suit for Frontier Troops
佟 玫;  张雅丽*;  唐世君
军事科学院系统工程研究院 军需工程技术研究所,北京 10001
TONG Mei;  ZHANG Yali*;  TANG Shijun
Institute of Quartmaster Engineering and Technology,Institute of Systems Engineering, Academy of Military Sciences,Beijing 100010,China
TS 941.11
为满足边防部队官兵在极寒环境下的被装保暖需求,采用电热技术研制一款电加热服。通过对服装结构、发热载体以及电池的充放电性能等进行研究,研发出用发热碳纤维作为发热载体、高分子锂电池作为能量源的背心式电加热服装。高分子锂电池能量密度高、充放电速度快、安全持久; 背心的侧缝使用罗纹布能满足不同胸围人群的着装要求。通过部队试穿实验对服装的保暖效果、舒适性及红外伪装效果进行测验,结果表明:加热背心对寒冷条件下人体的辅助保暖效果明显、对厚型的冬服外表面温度影响较小,不会显著影响红外伪装效果,且发热部分柔软透气、舒适度较高,能很好地满足官兵需求。
In order to meet the requirements of the border troops to keep warm in the extremely cold environment,an electric heating suit was developed by using electric heating technology. By studying the structure of the garment, the heating carrier and the charge-discharge performance of the battery,an electric heating garment with heating carbon fiber as the heating carrier and polymer lithium battery as the energy supply have been developed. Polymer lithium battery is with the advantages of high energy density, fast charging and discharging speed, safety and durability, and the rib vests with side seams can meet the dress requirements of people with different bust sizes. Finally, the thermal insulation effect, comfort and infrared camouflage effect of the clothing were tested through the army fitting test.The results show that the heating vest has an obvious effect on the auxiliary warmth of human body under cold conditions, and has little effect on the outer surface temperature of thick winter clothing.It will not significantly affect the infrared camouflage effect, and the heating part is soft and breathable with high comfort, which can well meet the requirements of officers and soldiers.


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(责任编辑:卢 杰)


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更新日期/Last Update: 2021-10-30