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 LIU Chang,LIU Ruipu*.Economical Etiquette and Law Created by the "Four Pieces System"of Official Uniforms in Ming Dynasty[J].Journal of Clothing Research,2023,8(03):189-195.





Economical Etiquette and Law Created by the "Four Pieces System"of Official Uniforms in Ming Dynasty
刘 畅;  刘瑞璞*
北京服装学院 服装艺术与工程学院,北京 100029
LIU Chang;  LIU Ruipu*
Fashion Accessory Art and Engineering College,Beijing Institute of Fashion Technology,Beijing 100029,Chin
TS 941.12; K 875.2
By exploring the production rules of economical official uniforms that have been passed down for thousands of years, the paper analyzed the technology of Ming official uniforms. It showed that the "four pieces system" structure of Ming official uniforms belonged to the cross shaped flat structure of the Chinese costume system, which had the characteristics of fabric determining structure, reflecting the sublimation from the concept of cherishing things and advocating thrift to the spiritual realm of harmony between heaven and man. This paper systematically studied the official uniforms specimens of Ming Dynasty by using the dual textual research method combining physical objects and literature. It was found that the structure of Ming Dynasty official uniforms was "four pieces system". And the sleeve type was the basis of official uniform customization, and different length, circumference, width and narrow sleeves were made as the materialized result of the civil service system in ancient China. The discovery of the cutting technology "jiaoyu" of Qin and Han Dynasties of the sleeve structure proved that the structure of Ming official uniforms conformed the creation logic of originating from frugality and loyal to etiquette and law,as well as the Chinese tradition of frugality to cultivate morality.


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更新日期/Last Update: 2023-06-30