 School of Textiles and Fashion,Shanghai University of Engineering Science,Shanghai 00,et al.Influence of Cultural Identity on the Perception of Authenticity of Song Brocade Products[J].Journal of Clothing Research,2021,6(03):254-261.





Influence of Cultural Identity on the Perception of Authenticity of Song Brocade Products
李春笑;  王燕珍*;  曲洪建
上海工程技术大学 纺织服装学院,上海 201620
School of Textiles and Fashion; Shanghai University of Engineering Science; Shanghai 201620; China
Influence of Cultural Identity on the Perception of Authenticity of Song Brocade Products
F 713.55
文化认同对非遗传承与保护有重要意义,非遗市场化背景下,真实性成为非物质文化遗产消费的核心内容,对两者关系的研究可以丰富相关理论,有助于非遗企业制定产品营销策略,具有一定的理论与实践意义。通过对文化认同与真实性相关文献的梳理,提出相应的研究假设并构建理论模型,同时选取宋锦为测量对象,结合宋锦特点确定合适的测量指标,并根据问卷调研数据采用结构方程模型检验的方法,实证分析文化认同各维度对非遗产品真实性各维度的具体影响。研究结果表明:归属性认同、自尊性认同对非遗产品真实性有正向显著影响; 情感性认同对客观真实性、建构真实性无显著影响,对存在真实性有负向显著影响。由此,从文化认同的角度提出提高消费者对非遗产品真实性感知的对策建议。
Cultural identity plays an important role in non-genetic inheritance and protection. In the context of intangible cultural heritage marketization, authenticity has become the core content of non-genetic inheritance consumption. The research on the relationship between them enriches relevant theories and helps intangible cultural heritage enterprises to formulate product marketing strategies, which has certain theoretical and practical significance. By combing cultural identity authenticity related literature, we put forward the corresponding research hypothesis and build a theoretical model, select the Song brocade as object of measurement, combining with the characteristics of Song brocade to determine the appropriate measurement.Then use the methods of structural equation model test based on the questionnaire survey data, to perform the empirical analysis on the cultural identity of each dimension of intangible product specific impact of the authenticity of all dimensions. The results show that the belonging identity and self-esteem identity have a positive significant influence on intangible product authenticity, emotional identity has no obvious effect on objective authenticity and construction of authenticity, but has a negative significant influence on existing authenticity. Therefore, countermeasures and suggestions are put forward from the perspective of cultural identityto improve consumers’ perception of the authenticity of intangible cultural heritage products.


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(责任编辑:张 雪)

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