 YU Xinhe,WANG Jianping*.Optimization Method of Knitted Cycling Clothes’ Patterns Based on Virtual Clothing Pressures[J].Journal of Clothing Research,2019,4(02):127-135.





Optimization Method of Knitted Cycling Clothes’ Patterns Based on Virtual Clothing Pressures
于欣禾1;  王建萍*1; 2
1.东华大学 服装与艺术设计学院,上海 200051; 2. 同济大学 上海国际设计创新研究院,上海 200092
YU Xinhe1;  WANG Jianping*1; 2
1.Fashion and Design Institute,Donghua University,Shanghai 200051,China; 2. Shanghai International Institute of Design and Innovation, Tongji University, Shanghai 200092, China
TS 941.17; TS 941.731
为提升功能性针织服装动态压力舒适性,以女式针织骑行服为例,以160/84A虚拟模特为研究对象,采用虚拟试穿的方法,使用CLO 3D虚拟试穿软件测得69个测量点在静立状态及骑行动态下的静、动态虚拟压力值。分析静、动态服装压力的变化规律,提出基于静、动态服装压力差值的服装样板优化方法,进行骑行服样板优化设计。最终提出优化程度的概念,对优化结果进行验证。结果表明:优化后动态服装压力值总体下降61.94%,压力曲线平缓,所提出的样板优化方法显著提高了服装动态压力舒适性。该方法为基于动态压力舒适性的功能性针织服装样板优化提供新思路。
In order to improve the dynamic pressure comfort of functional knitted apparel, a pattern optimization method based on dynamic and static clothing pressure difference was put forward and applied to the optimization design of women’s knitted cycling clothes. Firstly, the virtual try-on experiment was carried out to measure the static and dynamic virtual pressure values of the 69 pressure measurement points under the static posture and riding posture on 160/84A avatar. Secondly, the variation regularity of the pressure difference was analyzed to optimize the pattern. The concept of optimization degree was proposed to verify the optimization results. The experimental results show that the method of garment pattern optimization based on the static and dynamic clothing pressure difference can significantly improve the dynamic pressure comfort of the garment. The optimized dynamic pressure of the garment decreases by 61.94%, and the curve tends to be gentle. The method provides a scientific basis for the pattern optimization method based on dynamic pressure.


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