 JIA Xizeng,ZHANG Xinyi.Application of Yellow in Textiles and Costumes of the Qing Dynasty Court[J].Journal of Clothing Research,2025,10(01):68-85.





Application of Yellow in Textiles and Costumes of the Qing Dynasty Court
贾玺增;  张馨翌
清华大学 美术学院,北京 100084
JIA Xizeng;  ZHANG Xinyi
Academy of Arts and Design,Tsinghua University,Beijing 100084,China
TS 941.12
As the color of the five elements, yellow was given a special status and meaning in the Qing Dynasty. It was the preferred color for court textile costumes, representing the sacrosanct and inviolable authority of the emperor. Taking the court textile costumes collected in the digital museum of the Palace Museum as the research carrier, through the research method of physical evidence combined with documentary evidence, we sorted out and analyzed the types, color characteristics, and scope of use of yellow in the court textile costumes of the Qing Dynasty, and summarized the hierarchical order of the yellow system and its distinguishing factors. The study shows that the rank order of yellow used in Qing Dynasty court costumes is as follows, from the highest to lowest rank: bright yellow、 apricot yellow、 golden yellow、 autumn fragrance、 goose yellow、 beige and buff. The higher the rank of the color, the more yellow tones, the purer the color value, the fewer the miscellaneous colors, and the higher the brightness. The use of color attributes and color identity as a criterion for distinguishing ranks was intended to strengthen imperial power and thus maintain the rule of an authoritarian centralized system.


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(责任编辑:卢 杰)

更新日期/Last Update: 2025-02-28