[1]邵 秋,龚新霞,杨瑞华*.循环再生纤维在转杯纺成纱器内的运动模拟与分析[J].服装学报,2025,10(01):9-0015.
 SHAO Qiu,GONG Xinxia,YANG Ruihua*.Simulation and Analysis of the Motion of Recycled Fibers in Rotor Spinning Machine[J].Journal of Clothing Research,2025,10(01):9-0015.





Simulation and Analysis of the Motion of Recycled Fibers in Rotor Spinning Machine
邵 秋;  龚新霞;  杨瑞华*
江南大学 纺织科学与工程学院,江苏 无锡 214122
SHAO Qiu;  GONG Xinxia;  YANG Ruihua*
College of Textile Science and Engineering,Jiangnan University,Wuxi 214122,China
TS 104.7
循环再生纤维长度短、整齐度差,在其转杯纺成纱过程中经常出现断头或难以接头的现象。为研究循环再生纤维成纱困难的原因,探究其在转杯纺成纱器关键部件中的运动规律,借助数值模拟软件Rocky DEM 2022R1和ANSYS Fluent 2022R1模拟两种不同长度(9.5和16.0 mm)的循环再生纤维多根连续进入凝聚槽后的运动规律,并与原棉纤维(28.0 mm)在转杯凝聚槽内的运动规律进行对比。结果表明:循环再生纤维和原棉纤维的纤维流在转杯纺成纱器内具有相同的运动趋势。相较于16.0和28.0 mm的纤维,9.5 mm的循环再生纤维最易受到高速纤维流的影响; 从输纤通道进入转杯,9.5 mm单根纤维和纤维流均拥有最快的运动速度。纤维在凝聚槽中会形成纤维环,环上的大部分纤维呈伸直状态,部分弯钩纤维会形成圈结; 其中28.0 mm原棉纤维环上的圈结数量最少、圈结集聚程度最低、单根纤维运动最均匀。
The recycled fiber is short in length and poor in uniformity, and it is often broken or difficult to join during the spinning process. In order to investigate the reasons for the difficulty in spinning recycled fibers and explore their motion patterns in key components of the rotor spinning machine, this paper used numerical simulation software Rocky DEM 2022R1 and ANSYS Fluent 2022R1 to simulate the motion patterns of two kinds of recycled fibers of different lengths(9.5 and 16.0 mm)after multiple fibers entered the coagulation tank continuously, compared them with those of raw cotton fibers(28.0 mm)in rotor coagulation tank. The results indicate that both recycled fibers and raw cotton fibers exhibit the same movement trend in rotor spinning machine. Compared to 16.0 and 28.0 mm fibers, 9.5 mm recycled fibers are more susceptible to high-speed fiber flow. Upon entering the rotor through the fiber transport channel, both individual 9.5 mm recycled fibers and their collective flow demonstrate highest movement speed. These fibers tend to form rings in the condensing groove, while most fibers remain straight, some hooked fibers may form loops. Among them, the fiber ring of 28.0 mm raw cotton has the least number of loops, the lowest degree of loop aggregation, and the most smooth movement of a single fiber.


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更新日期/Last Update: 2025-02-28