[1]杨 雪,陈可欣.Midjourney在纺织服装设计中的探索与应用[J].服装学报,2024,9(06):549-555.
 YANG Xue,CHEN Kexin.Exploration and Application of Midjourney in Textile and Fashion Design[J].Journal of Clothing Research,2024,9(06):549-555.





Exploration and Application of Midjourney in Textile and Fashion Design
杨 雪;  陈可欣
浙江科技大学 艺术设计与服装学院,浙江 杭州 310023
YANG Xue;  CHEN Kexin
Art Design and Fashion Institute, Zhejiang University of Science and Technology, Hangzhou 310023,China
TS 941.2
为增进国内艺术设计界基于Midjourney人工智能艺术生成器在纺织服装设计方面的应用,采用观察和批判的论证方法,结合实践案例系统探究Midjourney如何辅助设计人员进行纺织服装设计的方法,并分析其生成结果的启发性、实用性效果及所带来的新机遇与挑战。研究认为,运用人工智能艺术生成器辅助设计是数字时代未来的发展趋势,Midjourney能在纺织服装设计企划构思阶段有效帮助设计人员高效生成与演示创意,对artificial intelligence generated content背景下纺织服装设计拓展创意生成路径方面有启发性意义。
To enhance practical research within the domestic art and design academic community on the application of Midjourney artificial intelligence art generator in textile and garment design, this study employed observational and critical argumentation methods, systematically investigating the methodologies of Midjourney-assisted textile and apparel design conception through practical cases. The study further analyzed the inspiration, practicality, as well as the new opportunities and challenges presented by the generated outcomes. The research concludes that the utilization of AI-generated art tools to assist in design represents a future trend in the digital era. Midjourney can effectively aid in creative generation and presentation during the planning and conception phase of textile and apparel design, offering insightful implications for expanding creative pathways in textile and apparel design within the context of artificial intelligence generated content.


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(责任编辑:张 雪)

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