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Construction of an Influence Model of Ming Dynasty Granted Clothing on Korean Peninsula Attire Based on Grounded Theory
屈 萍1;  邵小龙2
1.宁波大学 宁波大学昂热大学联合学院,浙江 宁波 315211; 2.宁波大学 潘天寿建筑与艺术设计学院,浙江 宁波 315211
QU Ping1;  SHAO Xiaolong2
1.Institut conjoint des universitésde Ningbo et d’Angers,Ningbo University, Ningbo 315211, China; 2.Pan Tianshou School of Architecture and Art Design,Ningbo University, Ningbo 315211, China
J 022; TS 941.12
The Ming Dynasty’s granted clothing system was aligned with its national governance strategy and had a profound impact on the dress codes of tributary states. However, previous academic research on the Ming-Joseon tribute relationship has mistakenly assumed that China proactively sought to establish and impose this tribute relationship on Korea. By employing grounded theory to encode and analyze texts related to the granting of clothing between the Ming Dynasty and the Korean Peninsula, a model was constructed to analyze the influence of Ming-granted garments on Korean Peninsula attire, and its operational mechanism was discussed. The study found that the impact of the Ming Dynasty on Korean Peninsula attire exhibited an interconnected relationship with other dynasties. In this process, objective and subjective factors played catalytic and driving roles, while preconditions laid the groundwork, and practical paths facilitated implementation. The ultimate outcome reflected the comprehensive effects of this complex system. The essence of the Ming Dynasty’s influence on Korean Peninsula attire lay in the mutual recognition of Confucian worldview hierarchical relationships and the balance of real interests and power between the two nations.


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(责任编辑:卢 杰)

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