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Optimization and Performance Validation of Inner Lining Fabric for High-Temperature Live-Working Shielding Suit
李红彦1;  薛萧昱2;  张 丹1;  王 敏*2;  高 阳1
1. 国网吉林省电力有限公司 电力科学研究院,吉林 长春 130021; 2. 东华大学 服装与艺术设计学院,上海 200051
LI Hongyan1;  XUE Xiaoyu2;  ZHANG Dan1;  WANG Min*2;  GAO Yang1
1. Electric Power Research Institute, State Grid Jilin Electric Power Co., Ltd., Changchun 130021, China; 2. College of Fashion and Design, Donghua University, Shanghai 200051, China
TS 941.731
针对高温带电作业屏蔽服内胆织物筛选存在主观性和模糊性的问题,引入熵权-秩和比法定量筛选最优织物,以改善屏蔽服的热湿舒适性。选取6款导湿织物为研究对象,采用熵权-秩和比法从导热性能、吸湿速干性能、接触瞬间凉感、动态水分管理能力等方面进行重要度排序与分档,筛选出综合性能最优的织物用于屏蔽服内胆,并通过工效学实验验证研究方法的有效性。结果表明,2#涤丙双层单向导湿织物综合性能最优,适合作为单导区织物。进一步研究发现,增加内胆对屏蔽服整体活动工效性无显著影响; 现役屏蔽服在膝盖和臀部区域的活动工效性有待改进。研究结果验证了熵权-秩和比法在屏蔽服内胆织物优选中的可行性,为后续高温带电作业屏蔽服的研发与优化提供了有效手段。
In response to the subjectivity and ambiguity in selecting inner lining fabrics for high-temperature live-working shielding suits, the entropy weight-rank sum ratio method was introduced to quantitatively select the optimal fabric to improve the thermal and moisture comfort of shielding suits. Six moisture-conducting fabrics were chosen for analysis. Using the entropy weight-rank sum ratio method, fabrics were ranked and categorized based on thermal conductivity, moisture wicking, instant cool touch and dynamic moisture management capabilities. Fabric with the best comprehensive properties was selected for the shielding suit liner, and the effectiveness of the research method was verified by ergonomic experiments. The results indicate that the 2# polyester-polypropylene double-layer unidirectional moisture-conducting fabric performs best, making it suitable as a single-direction moisture-conducting fabric. Further investigation reveals that adding an inner liner has no significant impact on the overall ergonomic performance of the shielding suit. The ergonomic perfor-mance of current shielding suits in areas such as knee and hip requires improvement. These findings confirm the feasibility of the entropy weight-rank sum ratio method for optimizing inner lining fabrics in shielding suits, and provide a reference for further development and enhancement of high-temperature live-working shielding suits.


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更新日期/Last Update: 2024-12-30