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Visual Analysis of Domestic and International Research on Textile Flexible Sensors Based on CiteSpace
李艳梅;  罗 莹
上海工程技术大学 纺织服装学院,上海 201620
LI Yanmei;  LUO Ying
Textile and Clothing College,Shanghai University of Engineering Science,Shanghai 201620,China
TP 212; TS 106
针对国内外织物柔性传感器的研究现状,在中国知识资源总库和科技文献数据库检索织物柔性传感器相关文献,导出中文文献1 141篇,英文文献9 573篇。通过CiteSpace绘制织物柔性传感器的可视化知识图谱,分析国内外年发文量,国家、机构、作者合作网络分布,高被引文献分布,高频关键词,突现热点词等数据,对比国内外研究现状和趋势,为未来织物柔性传感器的研究提供量化数据支撑。研究表明,近年来国内外织物柔性传感器文献数量整体呈增长趋势,但国内发文量在2023年有所下降,且文章影响力不及美国; 国内纺织领域学者正面临着新的挑战,亟须跨学科、跨领域的深度合作。
In response to the current research status of textile flexible sensors at home and abroad, this paper conducted a literature search on relevant texts in the China National Knowledge Infrastructure and the Web of Science Database. A total of 1 141 Chinese articles and 9 573 English articles were extracted. A visual knowledge map of textile flexible sensors was drawn using CiteSpace to analyze the annual publication volume, distribution of countries, institutions, authors, highly cited articles, high-frequency keywords, and emerging hot words. The study compared the current research status and trends at home and abroad, providing quantitative data support for future research on textile flexible sensors. The results show that the number of textile flexible sensor-related articles at home and abroad as a whole has increased in recent years, but the domestic publication volume will decline in 2023, and the influence of articles is less than that of the United States. Chinese textile scholars are facing new challenges and urgently need cross-disciplinary and cross-sectoral in-depth cooperation.


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(责任编辑:张 雪)


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更新日期/Last Update: 2024-10-30