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 LIANG Zhi,LI Jun*.Design Status and Development Trend of Wearable Performance of Exoskeleton Robots[J].Journal of Clothing Research,2024,9(02):102-109.





Design Status and Development Trend of Wearable Performance of Exoskeleton Robots
梁 志1;  李 俊*1; 2
1.东华大学 服装与艺术设计学院,上海 200051; 2.东华大学 现代服装设计与技术教育部重点实验室,上海 200051
LIANG Zhi1;  LI Jun*1; 2
1. College of Fashion and Design,Donghua University,Shanghai 200051,China; 2. Key Laboratory of Clothing Design and Technology,Ministry of Education,Donghua University,Shanghai 200051,China
TS 941.731
Through the literature survey method, this paper sorted out the matching of exoskeleton robots and human body structure and the application results of activity ergonomics. It introduced the basic types of exoskeleton robots and their characteristics, and focused on analyzing the wearable performance optimization design methods and results involved in the research and development of exoskeleton robots. Then it summarized and looked forward to the development path of wearable performance design. It is concluded that in-depth research and development of exoskeleton robots from the four aspects of split structure design, lightweight design, flexible design and adjustable structure design can better improve their wearable performance.


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更新日期/Last Update: 2024-04-30