[1]陈寒蕾,王树金*,夏 添.从吉祥文字纹看汉代着装风尚[J].服装学报,2024,9(01):65-71.
 CHEN Hanlei,WANG Shujin*,XIA Tian.Looking at the Dress Fashion of Han Dynasty People from Auspicious Characters[J].Journal of Clothing Research,2024,9(01):65-71.





Looking at the Dress Fashion of Han Dynasty People from Auspicious Characters
陈寒蕾1;  王树金*2;  夏 添3
1.北京服装学院 美术学院,北京 100105; 2.深圳技术大学 服饰技术学院,广东 深圳 518118; 3.湖南工程学院 纺织服装学院,湖南 湘潭 411104
CHEN Hanlei1;  WANG Shujin*2;  XIA Tian3
1.School of Fine Arts, Beijing Institute of Fashion Technology,Beijing 100105,China; 2.College of Fashion Technology,Shenzhen Technology University, Shenzhen 518118,China; 3.College of Textile and Fashion,Hunan Institute of Engineering,Xiangtan 411104,China
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In the past century, many Han Dynasty costumes and clothing fabrics decorated with auspicious characters have been unearthed through archaeological excavations nationwide. Through comparative research of unearthed cultural relics, it was found that clothing and ornaments decorated with auspicious characters had already appeared in the early Western Han Dynasty at the latest, and became increasingly popular in the middle and late Western Han Dynasty and Eastern Han Dynasty. By analyzing and summarizing the cultural connotations of auspicious characters in clothing during the Han Dynasty, exploring the decorative characteristics of auspicious character patterns and the auspicious concepts they contain.We found that people in the Han Dynasty preferred to use auspicious characters to decorate their clothing,such as great wealth, happiness, health and longevity, relatives safety, national prosperity and civil safety.


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(责任编辑:卢 杰)

更新日期/Last Update: 2024-03-11