[1]周 捷,李亚男.服装品牌营销中二次元文化循环[J].服装学报,2022,7(02):159-164.
 ZHOU Jie,LI Yanan.Research on the Two-Dimensional Cultural Cycle in Clothing Brand Marketing[J].Journal of Clothing Research,2022,7(02):159-164.





Research on the Two-Dimensional Cultural Cycle in Clothing Brand Marketing
周 捷;  李亚男
西安工程大学 服装与艺术设计学院,陕西 西安 710048
ZHOU Jie;  LI Yanan
School of Apparel and Art Design, Xi’an Polytechnic University, Xi’an 710048, China
TS 941.19
为了解服装品牌营销的二次元文化循环,便于企业更好地进行品牌营销推广。以英国文化研究之父霍尔的文化循环理论为依据,对服装品牌的二次元营销活动进行分析,探讨产品在宣传到售后的营销过程中,二次元文化符号被不同主体表征、认同、生产、消费的规则。分析认为服装品牌二次元文化营销需注意两方面内容:①企业要根据自身文化和品牌定位选择与之相匹配的二次元文化进行营销; ②运用二次元营销需注意把握时势,贴合消费者的语境。
In order to understand the two-dimensional cultural cycle of clothing brand marketing and help enterprises to better carry out brand marketing promotion, the two-dimensional marketing activities of clothing brands were analyzed based on the cultural cycle theory proposed by Hall, the father of British culture research. The marketing process ranging from publicity to aftersales service of products and the rules of characterization, identification, production and consumption of secondary cultural symbols among different subject were investigated. It is concluded that the two-dimensional culture marketing of clothing brands needs to pay attention to the following points: enterprises should choose the two-dimensional culture that matches them according to their own corporate culture and brand positioning for marketing; the use range of two-dimensional marketing needs to match the current situation and conform to the context of consumers.


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更新日期/Last Update: 2022-04-30