 JI Xiaofen,ZHOU Lina,XIAO Zengrui.Research on the Influence of Clothing Anchor’ Characteristics on Impulsive Purchase Behavior of Consumers[J].Journal of Clothing Research,2022,7(01):70-76.





Research on the Influence of Clothing Anchor’ Characteristics on Impulsive Purchase Behavior of Consumers
季晓芬1;  周丽娜2;  肖增瑞1
1.浙江理工大学 国际教育学院,浙江 杭州 310018; 2. 浙江理工大学 服装学院,浙江 杭州 310018
JI Xiaofen1;  ZHOU Lina1; 2;  XIAO Zengrui1
1. School of International Education, Zhejiang Sci-Tech University, Hangzhou 310018, China; 2. School of Fashion Design and Engineering, Zhejiang Sci-Tech University, Hangzhou 310018, China
F 724.6; F 713.55
为促进服装企业在直播营销上的发展,基于刺激-机体-反应理论,以消费者情绪为中介变量,构建了服装主播特征对消费者冲动购买行为影响的理论模型。使用问卷调查收集研究数据,并通过结构方程模型对研究假设进行检验。实证分析结果表明:魅力性正向影响愉悦,知名度正向影响愉悦和唤醒,互动性对愉悦和唤醒的影响都不显著; 愉悦和唤醒正向影响冲动购买行为; 愉悦在魅力性和冲动购买中起部分中介作用,愉悦与唤醒在知名度和冲动购买中起完全中介作用。该结论在服装企业进行网络直播营销时对主播的选择与管理提供建议。
In order to promote the development of webcast marketing of clothing enterprises, based on the S-O-R theory and taking consumer emotion as the mediating variable, this paper constructed a theoretical model of the influence of clothing anchor’ characteristics on consumers’ impulsive purchase behavior. Data was acquired from a questionnaire survey, and hypotheses were tested by structural equation model(SEM). The empirical results show that, the charming of anchor has a positive effect on pleasure,popularity has a positive effect on pleasure and arousal,and the effect of interactivity on consumers’ pleasure and arousal are not significant. Pleasure partially mediates charming and impulsive purchase, and pleasure and arousal fully mediate popularity and impulsive purchase. This conclusion provides some suggestions for apparel enterprises to select and manage anchors when carrying out webcast marketing.


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更新日期/Last Update: 2022-03-11