 WANG Zhongjie.Costume Characteristics of the "Red and Blue Blouse with Eight Round Patterns" and Its Commercialization Process[J].Journal of Clothing Research,2021,6(06):541-548.





Costume Characteristics of the "Red and Blue Blouse with Eight Round Patterns" and Its Commercialization Process
WANG Zhongjie1; 2
1.College of Art and Design, Nanchang University, Nanchang 330031,China; 2.Jiangsu Lianfa Textile Co., Ltd., Haian 226601
TS 941.12
1.南昌大学 艺术与设计学院,江西 南昌 330031; 2.江苏联发纺织股份有限公司,江苏 海安 226601
In the background of social transformation the red and blue blouse with eight round patterns has produced the blonding and transformation of clothing under the influence of foreign culture. It is one of the representative forms of from the perspective of cultural studies, based on historical pictures from historical annals such as the National Museum of China as research materials, this paper illustrated two dressing situations of red and blue blouse with eight round patterns as the wedding dress and the formal dress. This paper summarizes the commercialization forms of the red and blue blouse with eight round patterns from four aspects: production and sales, publicity value and trade channels. Lastly, this paper further investigated the relationship between the dress logo and commercialization and the evolution progress of the red and blue blouse with eight round patterns in the model of the cultural loop, in order to broaden the ideas for moderm dress design.


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