 SHEN Zhuoying,JIN Yanping*,LONG Xialei.Adaptability Analysis of Flame-Retardant Fabric and Application Fields Based on Fuzzy Borda Method[J].Journal of Clothing Research,2021,6(04):298-304.





Adaptability Analysis of Flame-Retardant Fabric and Application Fields Based on Fuzzy Borda Method
沈卓颖1;  金艳苹*1; 2;  龙夏磊1
1. 浙江理工大学 服装学院,浙江 杭州 310018; 2. 义乌工商职业技术学院 创意设计学院,浙江 义乌 322000
SHEN Zhuoying1;  JIN Yanping*1; 2;  LONG Xialei1
1.School of Fashion Design and Engineering,Zhejiang Sci-Tech University,Hangzhou 310018,China; 2. School for Creative Studies,Yiwu Industrial and Commercial College,Yiwu 322000,China
TS 101.8; TS 101.923
为探索不同阻燃整理方式对织物性能的影响以及各类阻燃织物在不同领域的适用性,基于3种阻燃整理方式,选取8种不同纤维的12个阻燃织物样本,测试织物的阻燃性能、力学性能、透气性和透湿性; 运用模糊Borda组合评价法对织物的领域适用性进行评价。结果表明:所选12个织物样本中,除T1,T2和H2外的9个织物可作为阻燃织物,其中H1,H4和C3织物的阻燃性能最好,T3的力学性能最好,C4织物的透气性能最好,H3和H4织物的透湿性能最好。各类阻燃织物均适合交通工具内饰用织物领域,综合考虑成本因素,涂层阻燃织物较为合适; m(腈氯纶):m(芳纶1313):m(抗静电纤维)=75:23:2的面料在各个领域都最为适用。
To explore the influence of different flame retardant finishing methods on fabric properties and the applicability of various flame retardant fabrics in different fields, 12 samples of flame retardant fabrics with 8 different fibers were selected based on three kinds of flame retardant finishing methods to test the flame retardant properties, mechanical properties, air permeability and moisture permeability of the fabrics. The applicability was evaluated by fuzzy Borda evaluation method. The results show that nine kinds of fabrics except for three fabrics T1, T2 and H2, can be used as flame retardant fabrics. Furthermore, the flame retardant properties of fabrics H1, H4 and C3 are best. The mechanical properties of fabric T3 are the best. Fabrics C4 shows the best air permeability properties. Fabrics H3 and H4 have the best moisture permeability. According to the Borda method, all kinds of flame retardant fabrics are suitable for the field of vehicle interior fabrics. However, considering the cost, the coating flame retardant fabric are suitable choice. The fabrics with a 75:23:2 blending ratio of modacrylic fiber, Nomex and antistatic fiber are suitable in various fields.


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更新日期/Last Update: 2021-08-30