[1]谢 霜.中国30~39岁女性消费者的服饰奢侈品态度对购买意图的影响[J].服装学报,2021,6(01):88-94.
 XIE Shuang.Attitude of Female Consumers of Chinese 30s Towards Luxury Apparel and Its Influence on Purchase Intentions[J].Journal of Clothing Research,2021,6(01):88-94.





Attitude of Female Consumers of Chinese 30s Towards Luxury Apparel and Its Influence on Purchase Intentions
谢 霜1; 2
1.韩国东明大学 设计学院, 韩国 釜山 48520; 2. 无锡工艺职业技术学院 时尚艺术与设计学院,江苏 宜兴 214206
XIE Shuang1; 2
1.Department of Design,Tongmyong University, Busan 48520, Korea; 2.Department of Fashion Art and Design,Wuxi Vocational Institute of Arts and Technology,Yixing 214206, China
F 713.55
以中国30~39岁女性消费者为研究对象,从感情、行动倾向、知识、偏好4个维度构建消费者对服饰奢侈品的态度与购买意图关系的理论模型,并对该模型进行了实证分析与检验。研究结果表明:中国30~39岁女性消费者对服饰奢侈品的态度,即感情、行动倾向、知识和偏好因素,都对购买意图产生积极影响; 根据人口统计学特征,中国30~39岁女性消费者对待服饰奢侈品的态度与购买意图存在部分差异。其中:不同年龄消费者的态度和购买意图没有显著差异; 不同婚姻状况,知识有差异; 学历不同,感情、行动倾向、知识、偏好、购买意图都存在差异,学历越高,态度各维度的考虑就越多; 不同收入水平,感情、行动倾向、知识、偏好存在差异。该研究结果可为中国服饰奢侈品市场营销策略提供帮助,同时为服装企业制定经营战略奠定基础。
Chinese female consumers in their 30s were taken as the research object, this paper constructs a theoretical model of the relationship between consumers’ attitude towards luxury clothing and purchase intention from four dimensions, including feelings, action tendency, knowledge and preference, and carries out an empirical analysis and test on this model. The results show that the attitudes of Chinese women consumers in their 30s Towards luxury clothing, including feelings, action tendency, knowledge and preference, all have a positive impact on purchase intention. According to demographic characteristics, Chinese female consumers in their 30s show certain differences in their attitudes and purchasing intentions towards luxury clothing. Among this, there is no significant difference in the attitude and purchase intention of consumers of different ages. Female with different marital status and knowledge show different attitude. There are differences in feelings, action tendency, knowledge, preference and purchase intention with different educational background. The higher the education degree they have, the more dimensions of attitude have been considered. Different income levels show different feelings, action tendency, knowledge and preference. The research results can provide a reference for the marketing strategy of Chinese luxury clothing and lay a foundation for the development of business strategy of clothing enterprises.


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更新日期/Last Update: 2021-03-11