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 OU Jia,WANG Huaping*.Women ’s Jewelry of Full Dress Recorded in the Stone Labels of "Three Dian Biji" Unearthed from the Cao-Wei Tomb M1 in Xizhu Village, Luoyang[J].Journal of Clothing Research,2020,5(04):358-363.





Women ’s Jewelry of Full Dress Recorded in the Stone Labels of "Three Dian Biji" Unearthed from the Cao-Wei Tomb M1 in Xizhu Village, Luoyang
欧 佳;  王化平*
西南大学 汉语言文献研究所,重庆 400715
OU Jia;  WANG Huaping*
Research Institution of Chinese Language Documents, Southwest University, Chongqing 400715, China
K 875.9
More than 200 stone signs unearthed from the Cao-Wei tomb M1 in Xizhu Village, Luoyang, Henan Province, provided new materials for the study of the objects’ system in Wei and Jin Dynasties. This paper conducted an investigation into the contents recorded in stone label M1:383, preliminary discussed the related problems of "three dian biji" and its decoration, and made a further explanation for the "dian" and "biji" of women ’s jewelry of full dress in Wei and Jin Dynasties. This paper also made a brief supplement to the statement that M1 is the tomb of Pingyuan princess CAO Shu and ZHEN Huang. It is considered that this conjecture is more reasonable from the current evidence.


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更新日期/Last Update: 2020-08-30